Au sommet du Vinson
16 January 2020 Live expeditions
In 2020, Michel sets off to climb to 4,892 m, Antarctica's highest peak. To climb Mount Vinson is to challenge yourself on a mountain unlike any other.
Expédition au pôle sud
08 July 2019 Polar regions, Ski manhauling
Jérôme Brisebourg is currently attempting to reach the South Pole via the Amundsen route in his latest challenge to complete the Explorers Grand Slam. Historically, fewer than a hundred people in the world have achieved this feat, and perhaps one or two in France.
Ascension du Pic Lenine
21 August 2018 Live expeditions
In August 2018, a small group led by the experienced Bernard Muller reached the summit of Lenine Peak (7,134 m).